Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Feed the Read

Here's a question I get asked all the time and I have to be honest, I generally don't answer it truthfully.  It is a question that has nothing to do with my weight or my age, nor does it have anything to do with embarrassing moments in my life.  It's a question people ask quite often and most people have an answer that quite possibly changes as they age, or varies with added exposure. 
The question; "What's your favorite book?" 
I generally answer with either a recent read or a classic that has endeared itself to me, but if I were being totally honest, I'd say my favorite book has more characters than I could possibly remember.  It's plot and story line are non existent and yet, every time I open it up I unearth something new and previously undiscovered. It's rich variety, is it's best feature.  You can pick it up and put it down  at will, without regard for missing a beat. It is easy to follow and enlightening, and it's Roget's Thesaurus... I love it!!!
All those words and their synonyms.  I could spend hours perusing it's pages, searching for the perfect word to savor. Just the right word can transform my delivery with smooth, delicate undulations, or bold, bitter force. When I find that word, that can escalate my thoughts and express them with a spirited vibrancy and quintessential pith, it nourishes my mind and electrifies my soul.  It is the one book that nurtures and enriches my existence and I can't imagine a more satisfying read.

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