Monday, August 13, 2018

Finding Faith and Taking Flight

Faith grows where darkness covers
blue despair that blindly hovers
Lending light to the black hollow
giving promise to the slated sorrow
Lifting spirits from grey to white
until we find our guiding light

Monday, March 26, 2018

Finding Heart

If my pencil pierces your heart
 then I was dutifully lead to purpose
if it has merely brushed the surface
 then I must find a sharper tool

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Trust Where I Lead

Remnants are small pieces of something larger
There is nothing one can do to collect these scraps and reproduce what was once there in full scale

This, a reality I grapple with each day

Beneath the flab of my forearms is a swimmers stroke
Weakened with age but having traversed extensive miles,
 I'm well traveled and ready to conquer the strongest current life throws
Among the perimeter of my thighs is the power of a once steadfast runner
Who could plod through a course with the dedication of a soldier,
slower than most but ready to stay the course
Buried amidst the rolls and creases of my midsection is the core of who I have always been
A person indulgent in excess but always ready to absorb the slights directed at others

Embroiled in my brain is a complex path that's fighting to pave the way
Within the grasp of my hands is the guidance I offer anyone willing to take hold and
Trust where I lead