Monday, April 27, 2020

My Life in Suspension

Just some random thoughts that have entered my mind during this social suspension:

Getting out of bed by 9 am is an ambitious day
When I do get up I put on real clothes just to be sure they still fit (they are a bit snug, but I think that's because they've been laundered so much they're shrinking, that's a thing isn't it?)
First thing, aside from the usual hygiene...I immediately head toward my latest puzzle, putting myself in a trance like state to start the day
Cake is a solid breakfast
My workout clothes aren't seeing a ton of action, which might explain the tons of food I'm finding I eat (Ton for ton that's an even exchange)
Cleaning is now considered physical fitness in my book
I get excited about alphabetizing my spice rack
Breakfast and lunch are very close together
I have very little to say when so little is going on
I really don't like the way I look on camera (is there a good angle for someone over 50 with excess neck flesh?)

I like the fact that I can do one thing for 15 minutes and tire of it, moving on to the next without fear of leaving something hanging (there's always tomorrow)
I'm fairly good at lazy
I now understand why my dog sneaks in the pantry (what else is there to do when you're stuck at home all the time?)
I think I've seen every TV series I wanted to watch and now I'm watching reality TV just to make it seem like socializing is real
The fewer commitments I have the more scattered I am, does that make sense?
I'm tired of texting
My dog is the cutest!!
I don't know where all this stuff came from but I have a lot of crap in my house
Income is a fantasy I have in my dreams
Taking a class on how to use Instagram sounds enterprising
I welcome any "in person" interaction with any human (6 feet apart of course, grumpy or pleasant, doesn't matter I just need some live banter)
With the limited trips to the store I'm finding new substitutes for certain foods (Ice cream works in place of milk, yogurt or anything dairy)
There's no such thing as meal replacement in lock-down
My previous endeavors - tennis, pickle ball, and road races have been replaced with daily puzzling, exploratory baking and competitive drinking (in that order)

I'm learning new things every day, social distancing, food insecure, PPE, N-95,  and incompetent idiots can speak at press briefings
Finding something to laugh at is merely a press conference away
"Hang in there"  has never been so literal!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Social Silencing

As we all pause and take in the magnitude of current events
It is my hope that we can all stop and be grateful for what we have

For many this is a forced hiatus from work which
can be a blessing
now captive to our lives without work
this should not be entirely bad

At a basic level,
this can mean we get to sleep in late
get our lives organized
tackle all those projects we "never have time for"

On a more personal level,
we can stop and reconnect with family, friends and those we care about
the old fashion way of "talking"
(yes a phone can be used for something other than texting)
we can write a letter with paper and pen
and send it off for someone to receive an unexpected surprise in their mailbox
(imagine getting something other than junk mail or bills????)

We can pause and assess
Our life's meaning
Find a purpose
shift gears if the pause calls us in another direction

This hiatus is not entirely bad
and while we might all tire of the mundane routine of less
Perhaps that is exactly what we all need

Fewer distractions
less accumulation of insignificant "stuff"
less to take us away from what we should be valuing and appreciating
the simplicity of family, friends and just existing in a world where people care for one another
on a very basic level