Sunday, September 25, 2011

9/13/11 "Foggin Blog"

My life these days has been a jumble of unpleasant,uncontrollable factors that leave me mentally exhausted.  I am unable to gather my thoughts and write and this is unsettling.  I am a pensive person who hides behind a blog, sharing my every thought, insecurity, failure and insight with the assistance of my keyboard, yet, if you were to see me in person, I would not dare speak of anything but good fortune. 
I am the fallacy of optimism...I may look bright and sunny but I'm burning inside.
All of my creative, instinctive writing has vanished.  It is an excruciating effort to find words, form thoughts, and produce anything but a rolling fog,
and so...this is my Foggin Blog.

What was once an outlet is now an inlet,
bottlenecked, jammed, and still
But the current churns beneath
Will it be a rip tide
Or a tsunami