Thursday, January 28, 2010

1/28/10 Driver's Seat

Today my oldest child got his driver's license and it hit me hard.  He's growing up and becoming more independent.  I can't help but reflect on the many milestones he has passed.  The same accomplishments every parent wills their child to master; speech, walking, reading, some of the more significant, but each parent's life is peppered with proud moments that stir mixed emotions of joy and sorrow in the same sweep.
How do we allow them to grow but keep them young?

I can still recall his first bus ride to kindergarten and how much I wanted it for him and yet, I cried. As the bus pulled away, I was left with an indelible vision of his profile in the window as the bus moved on.  Would he turn and look for me or had he already forgotten I was there?

This conflict of wanting him to venture and experience life, but wanting to maintain my importance to him, continues to be a struggle.  As another landmark is passed and he launches into new territory, I am less his Sherpa and more the excess"baggage" he no longer needs.  This is a milestone for him, that he 's been anticipating since he was five.  Today, once again, I was left with the lasting impression of his profile in the window of a moving vehicle, much like his first bus ride in kindergarten, only, when he was five he turned to look at me... this time there was no turning back. 

He's on his way and he's in the driver's seat.

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