Thursday, June 17, 2010

Grey Hare

At what point do I stop?  When is it time to come to grips with who I am?   When will I accept my shortcomings, my lack of initiative and drive to "appear" a certain way?   When will I have the strength to let nature run it's course without feeling as though I need to present a false facade?  I am a mature adult who no longer needs the mirrors' reflection to portray something I wish I was.  I've spent the better part of my life wishing for a thinner body, better teeth and vibrant hair.  What I've lost in my pursuit for superficial splendor is the person I am. 
I am proud of my ability to run down tennis balls on a singles court.  I like the fact that I spend more time thinking, than I do watching.  I love the fact that my favorite book is a thesaurus!  I am deeply affected by that which affects others, so much so, that I often can't sleep until I process my feelings through words.  The color of my hair should not represent anything more than what it is.  Yes, my hair has develpoed a grey aura, but it merely means I've aged, as we all do.  The ritualistic coloring of my hair, does not make me any younger.  It actually ages me more.  It has become one more appointment I need to maintain and with increasing regularity.  It has begun to impinge on my free time, giving me less time for "me" and more time requiring me to become something I am not. 
I'd much rather spend more time running on a tennis court than having my hair colored, so from now on...I'm happy to be a grey hare!

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