Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Routine Adjustments

It doesn't take long to get used to a new "routine".  I can remember when I was more comfortable scratching out a blog with paper and pen, than I was entering it directly on the computer.  Now I've come full circle and I've made the adjustment, from the scratch to the tap, and it has become my, preferred method.  Tonight I found myself without access to a computer and as such, I had to revert back to the primitive method of chisel and block.  While it felt oddly familiar, it was no longer quite as satisfying to me, as it once was.
It's funny how quickly we can adapt to change.  After all, isn't life essentially all about adaptability and how smoothly we can ride a new tide.  The more readily able we are, to acclimate ourselves to the changing currents, the better able we are, to enjoy the surf. So, the next time the surf's up, don't be afraid to ride the wave, it could end up being your new "routine".

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